Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon Wiki
Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon Wiki
Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon Wiki

Roast hare is a food in the Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon.

Roast hare is a brown food made by hare.


In 304 AC, [1] at the Libeid Kingdom, Arin held a hare's ears in one hand, and Aria held a hare's ears in each hand and he said look, they got rabbits. Yuna was surprised and asked how'd Arin catch rabbits so quickly. Arin answered rabbits hopped over when he asked. Yuna thought oh, Arin did use Dragon Fear, the power that made all living things surrender, she guessed he can subdue a rabbit, even in human form... Yuna's eyes lit up and said great job, Arin, he should leave the cooking to her. Yuna quickly searched through her robe. A dagger, a skewer for grilling, and several vials containing spices immediately popped out. Arin asked that's a magic clock. They skewered the hares whole, placed them on the campfire, and began roasting them. Seton looked at the bonfire. Arin ate this hectic. [2]

At southern region in the Gaianes Empire, Seton Sarasnein carries hares. Yuna Tzakranaky cut one of the dismembered hares with a knife. Place the decapitated hares on the grill. The meat soon became golden brown. Even today, Aria Seshenes's great sword served as an excellent frying pan. Arin smiled brightly, holded the fork and knife in the bag he had brought with him. Just like that, today too, a lunch table was set up in the middle of the forest. [3] Arin said hmm, he wanted to eat other things too, not just meat. [4]


