Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon Wiki
Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon Wiki

Professional scrubber is a character in the Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon. [2]


He's a professional scrubber of the Aur, the Gaianes Empire. [1]


The professional scrubber was a man with brown skin and black hair. [1] He's a physically fit man holding a rough cloth. [2]


Someone asked who's that, why there's somebody else here. Outside the bathroom, on one side, stood a muscular man holding a rough cloth. Another answered oh, they're known as professional scrubbers, he has never heard of them before until now, but it appeared to be a job exclusive to this bathhouse. Karstein's curiosity was piqued and said oh, only in this bathhouse, how interesting. Karstein stood up and said let's give it a try, Kiadrys. Kiadrys answered very well. Karstein entered the wooden house. After a while, a loud noise was heard. Karstein screamed aaagh. Pete thought he did just hear the Red Dragons, the most powerful creatures on earth, scream... ...scrubbing must be torture. Karstein washing his hair and said he should stop being so dramatic, it wasn't that painful, once he tough it out, it's quite refreshing... Kiadrys' skin was red and swollen and he looked frowning and said it doesn't change the fact that it's painful. Someone said haha. [1]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Webtoon Episode 133
  2. 2.0 2.1 Web Novel Chapter 210