Ifrit is a character in the Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon.
Ifrit is portrayed as an imposing being made of fire, his appearance is slightly humanoid and muscular.
Ifrit is the king of the fire spirits.
He was accidentally summoned by Karsearin, he told him that his family was looking for him and that it was great news in the world of dragons and the elemental spirits. Although he could not remove the voice curse from Arin, if he could teach him to be an elementalist, giving him Kasa and Salamander, which are two spirits of fire so that he can defend himself, chapters later it is seen that he was summoned again by the red dragon king Kiadrys, Ifrit told him that Arin now he is an elementalist and he knows where he is right now.
Helmernod said to Rosarahim that reminded him, he heared Arin summoned him. Rosarahim said wow, even she hasn't been able to summon a Spirit King yet. [1]
Powers and Abilities[]
- Spiritual Magic - Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon (Web Novel) - Chapter 18
- Spirit Summoning: Ifrit can summons to other fire spirits.
- Fire Magic - Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon (Web Novel) - Chapter 18: Being the king of fire spirits, Ifrit has divine authority and absolute power over fire and everything related to it.
- Power Bestowal (?) - Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon (Web Novel) - Chapter 18: Maybe Ifrit can bestow spiritual powers as it gave Arin the ability to use fire spirits. However, the description of the scene in which it appears is not certain. Maybe he taught Arin to use spirit arts, not to give him the powers of it, this is because dragons are born with spirit abilities.
- The word Ifrit comes from the Ifrit (عفريت, ʿifrīt), means devil in Islamic mythology, formed out of smoke and fire.