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Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon Wiki

Episode 6 is the sixth episode of Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon (Webtoon).


The man with sharp eyes immediately placed his hand on Arin's neck and muttered something for a long time. A blue glow came from his hands. Afterwards, a blue light appeared behind Arin and then disappeared. The man said good, his magic worked perfectly. Arin said what magic. Arin, who was just opening his mouth, was taken aback. Arin said huuuh, his voice, his voice was all shrill and high-pitched, it's weird. Mina said oh her god, he really sound like Princess Ione now. Mina looked at the middle-aged man with admiration and said thank him, Mr. Latnile. Latnile also answered confidently that now everyone will believe this child was Princess Ione. In the room where Mina took Arin, in addition to the middle-aged man, Reyses and a sturdy young man with black hair were also standing there. While Arin tested his voice, Reyses paid tribute to the middle-aged man that incredible as always, she heard it's difficult to cast a Voice Change spell so perfectly. The man said the magic spell itself isn't difficult, the challenge was in how well they remember the voice they're changing it to, but that's not a problem for him, he has heard the princess's voice since she was little. Suddenly the man asked this should be enough to fool them, right, Pluto. The black-haired young man called Pluto also looked satisfied. Pluto said he really does resemble her. Pluto asked he'll be a stand in for just a day or two at most so this much should be fine, right, Gaster. Arin, who was listening to the conversation between the two, suddenly felt interested. Arin thought Gaster and Pluto, right, Darios told him about them in his stories. Arin shouted and asked the guy in the black hood must be Gaster, the mage of Karsel, and the black-haired guy must be Pluto, the vice-captain of the order of Karsel. Mina, who was startled, quickly corrected Arin's words. Mina said to Arin that he should adress them as "Misters". Gaster and Pluto looked at Arin in confusion. Pluto asked to Arin that hmm, wait, he know their names. Gaster asked to Arin that he heared he were uninformed about the world, where he did hear about them. Arin answered it's from Darios, he heard him all killed a dragon together. At that moment, a bitter smile appeared on the lips of the two people. Gaster let out a laugh. Gaster said hoho, he saw, if he heard it directly from Darios, then what he know was close to the truth. Pluto said according to the people at the local bar, he's a superhuman who ripped the dragon's wing off with a single blow and caused it to fall. Gaster said and he apparently smashed the dragon's head with Meteor Strike, if he had really mastered a ninth circle spell, why he would has gone through the trouble. Arin was puzzled. Arin thought for some reason, they don't seem to be in a good mood, strange, he's sure Karstein told him that, humans kill dragons just to attain a title and satisfy their greed. Arin asked excuse him, they two weren't proud of being called Dragon Slayers. Gaster let out something that was close to a complaint. Gaster said well, sure, they're proud, but it's not exactly something to boast about, they still have trouble sleeping just thinking about those days. Pluto continued that people thought they can easily take down a dragon or two, geez, damn it, they should see one for themselves. Gaster said he wouldn't understand just hearing about it, how terrifying its massive body was. Pluto strongly agreed with Gaster's grumbling voice. Pluto said sigh, Darios just had to see for himself. Arin looked at their reaction and it seemed like they were quite scared of it. Arin thought hmm, sounds like it was quite frightening. Suddenly, Arin remembered something else that puzzled him. Arin thought but, what did they mean by "fool them" earlier.

Arin went back to his room, put on his pajamas, lied down on the bed, and thought that he should wait and saw how things went, or he should run off now, but mom might find him if he were to transform in such a crowded city, nothing's particularly concerning right now, oh, they did said they'll be going to the Batran Kingdom, he'll decide along the way then.

One week later, Arin left Serkarsel and set out for the Batran Kingdom, escorted by about 50 cavalrymen. Mina, who was riding the carriage together, unfolded a strangely drawn picture on a piece of white paper. Mina said to Arin that here, take a close look at this map, this was the Karsel Kingdom, which was where they were now, their destination, the Batran Kingdom, was here, he does saw the Hanan River flowing through the two countries, they're going to a dock to take a boat ride up. As Arin listened to the story, he noticed something strange. Arin pointed to one side of the map with his finger. Arin asked huh, it wouldn't be much faster to went through the mountains, whey they're going around. Mina answered oh, no human can went through those mountains because, Karsearin, the evil Red Dragon, lived there. It felt somewhat familiar, and it was near the rare where Arin lived. Arin thought huh, evil dragon, he's not that bad. Mina, who had no way of knowing what Arin was thinking, continued. Mina said, apparently, countless people died because of that dragon, it massacred everyone and obliterated the area, the dragon hated humans so much, it'll breathe fire at the mere sight of their shadows. Before speaking, Mina trembled. It seemed like she was afraid just by saying it out loud. Mina said they said no one's ever come back alive. Arin thought what in the world she was saying. Mina trembled and said it's so scary. Of course, Arin was taken aback. Arin thought he was such a frightening perso--he meant, dragon. He just can't understand. Arin thought he'll breathe fire at the mere sight of human shadows, he came out to the human world because he had never seen a human in his life. Arin asked if no one's come back alive, how she does knew the dragon's name was Karsearin. Mina's expression also became strange. Mina said huh, good point. Even though she thought about it, she felt like something was a bit out of sync with her. Mina said she doesn't really know, anyway, that's what the book said. Arin was worried. Arin thought he's sure the book was talking about him, but the more he thought about it, it's strange, and unfair, he didn't does anything wrong, why he should be called an evil dragon. A question suddenly occurred to him. Arin asked by any chance, the book did mention a dragon named Karstein. Mina answered Karstein, oh, it did, but there wasn't much, it said, "An ancient Red Dragon that lives in the Lartead Mountains. Extremely violent. Do not approach." that was all. That seemed to have been written correctly again. Arin thought that sounds pretty accurate, so what's with his description. Meanwhile, the carriage continued to move forward. Before they knew it, Serkarsel had long since disappeared from sight, and the carriage Arin was riding entered the dense forest and began moving down the forest path. Someone said hmm, seemed like they're almost there.

When they arrived at the port city of Lael, they headed for Batran, via the large Hanan River.


  1. Mina
  2. Karsearin
  3. Gaster Latnile
  4. Ione el Karsel (mention)
  5. Reyses
  6. Pluto fon Croword
  7. Darios fon Goldbruf (mention)
  8. Grateus (mention)
  9. Karstein de Red (mention)
  10. Karsenian (mention)

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